Recently I had the privilege of photographing Diana and Tim’s wedding– a small and intimate affair in Toledo.
With this wedding, I had the rare opportunity to sit with the couple as they went through their images. During the viewing they commented on how the chapel looks better in photos than it does in person. While I was flattered, I didn’t believe this to be true.
We keep our wedding edits (as with most of our work) close to what the camera file looks like. We believe in solid photography. Knowing your craft. Getting it right the first time. We want our photography to be for everyone. We want our photos to be close to life, so people can see themselves and feel good about it.
There are some fantastic photographers out there doing fantastic work in Photoshop. It truly is beautiful. However, that’s not us. We seek to create clean timeless images. The last thing we want from someone is to look at our work and instantly put a date on it. Let the outfits and fashion trends date the photos, not the photos themselves.
So, having established that the photos from the event were real and not a product of Photoshop trickery, where is the disconnect? The short answer? How people see.
Being a photographer is truly a blessing. You find beauty in everything. But better yet, you get to share that vision with others. You see things both as they are and what they can be. You see potential every where. You see moments taken for granted, and you get to immortalize them.
I hope we did exactly that for this couple.